Title: Deadly Stakes
Author: J.A. Jance
Rating: 10 of 10
Publisher: A Touchstone Book by Simon and Schuster
Copyright: February 1, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4516-2868-5
Series: Ali Reynolds
Publisher URL: http://www.simonandschuster.com
Reviewed by © 2013 Vivian Zabel
I opened the newest J. A. Jance Ali Reynolds novel, ready to crawl between the covers and become part of the story. As usual with any of her works, Deadly Stakes, the eighth in the series, grabbed my attention and kept me awake late, late into the night because I could not put the book down. Ali and her family and friends keep me company with each Jance work.
Jance brings back characters from Left for Dead and weaves them into a new mystery. Lynn Martinson, once the dupe of a cyber-sociopath, has “discovered” a new and happier life, she thinks. However, once her new boyfriend’s ex-wife is discovered murdered, the couple become embroiled as suspects.
Lynn’s mother comes to Ali for help, and Ali works to find the solution so the innocents couple can be freed. Along the way she discovers A.J. Sanders, who actually first discovered the body when he tries to retrieve a mysterious box left him by his estranged father. Another body found in the same location ties A.J. and Lynn closer together than realized.
The touches of romance and family life make the novel more believable than expected. The final scenes with B. and Ali make me want to shout, “Finally!”
Well, done, J.A. You continue to outdo yourself with each manuscript you pen.
I recommend Deadly Stakes for anyone who enjoys good suspense and intrigue. J.A. Jance is at her best, as I say after every Jance novel.